Tie-Dye Drama: The inclusive London drama club

Tie-Dye Drama is an inclusive drama club that brings the good kind of drama to communities. Through engaging workshops and staff training sessions, Tie-Dye Drama boosts wellbeing, builds confidence and enhances creativity. For over a decade, Tie-Dye Drama has created equality focused and neurodivergent supportive spaces which aren't confined by set expectations or limitations. Tie-Dye Drama works with a wide range of participants, from early years to young adults.

How do we work together?

Tie-Dye Drama works closely with West London Zone to provide in-school programmes for Early Years, Primary and Secondary School students in the form of term time and holiday drama programmes. These programmes are bespoke and tailored to the strengths and needs of the individuals and groups. Themes include Wellbeing (e.g regulating emotions, mental health), Drama Skills (e.g creating characters, storytelling) and Celebrations (e.g Anti-Bullying Week, International Women’s Day). 

What is so important about their work?

Tie-Dye Drama’s nurturing facilitators use a flexible and inclusive approach to empower participants to share their ideas in their own unique styles. At the end of the programme, participants take part in a sharing performance to their community of peers/families. This sharing performance is a celebration and features games and interactive activities involving audience participation. 

We love granting young people the opportunity and confidence to express themselves freely. For Priya* the programme symbolised just that. Prior to the workshops, her Link Worker said her main target was to grow in confidence, especially when sharing ideas to others. During the initial activities, Priya whispered her answers for her Link Worker to share and curiously observed the activities. Over the weeks, Tie-Dye Drama continued to develop a creative and supportive environment for Priya; encouraging and celebrating her ideas. Priya demonstrated a real enjoyment of the activities and became more confident to  share and present ideas to the rest of the group. She then was very excited to rehearse and perform in a sharing performance to peers, families and staff, even assisting and supporting a friend during the show. 

In the final reflection and celebration session, when asked how she felt about her time on the programme. Priya gave this a few seconds of thought and responded, “I believe in myself”. 

Plans for the future

We are looking to hire facilitators and connect with new organisations. Please get in touch via our Contact Form , email address hello@tiedyedrama.co.uk or socials @tiedyedrama

together, every child and young person can flourish.
