what we do

AllChild supports communities in underserved neighbourhoods across the UK to help children and young people build the social, emotional, and academic skills they need to flourish.

Recognising the shortcomings of a system that reacts to crises rather than preventing them, we connect with children and young people most in need of opportunity and mobilise local private, public, and voluntary services to co-design tailored programmes of support.

Delivered in-school through our team of trusted Link Workers, our Impact Programmes extend beyond individual care to drive a joined-up ecosystem of local support that strengthens communities, while also influencing national policy to promote community-led support models.

Since its inception in 2016, AllChild has helped thousands of children and young people to flourish, with measurable improvements in social, emotional, and academic wellbeing, demonstrating the effectiveness of early action and collaborative community efforts.

We work in three ways:

1. People

Working directly with schools, we use unique data methodology and local partnerships to proactively identify children and young people at the tipping point of need. Then, working through our team of trusted, in-school Link Workers, we engage them in two-year Impact Programmes tailored to help them build their social, emotional, and academic skills. In 2022-23 we worked with 1,675 children in 55 school settings.

2. Place

We drive place-based change by refining design of our Impact Programme to local context, then working with and between local systems of support - including education, social care, the voluntary sector, and local donors. This embeds ongoing collaboration and drives positive community effects that extend well beyond individual growth. In September 2024, we will launch our first Impact Programmes outside West London with a new two-year early action model in the Leigh, Atherton, and Tyldesley communities of Wigan.

3. Prevention

Our approach is a blueprint for change. We share learning and insight with partners in policy and government to inform a new model for communities that gives children and young people new opportunities by better connecting siloed stakeholders and mitigates the need for crisis intervention. Independent analysis has found that the average total savings and wider economic benefits of our early action model amounts to £81,000 per child.

together, every child and young person can flourish.
