our data

We are pleased to have seen our best outcomes to date for the children who have just completed the AllChild programme, especially coming after a period of huge pressures on the mental health of young people, as well as disrupted schooling, due to Covid-19.

We have worked hard with schools and our partners, focusing on increasing the volume and quality of specialist support delivered, which we feel have contributed to these improved outcomes.

These results mean that these children are well placed to continue to improve at school through the coming years.

  • 86% of young people at risk have improved their emotional wellbeing
  • 81% of young people at risk have improved their peer relationships
  • 69% of young people at risk have improved their confidence levels
  • 71% of young people at risk have improved their English and reading skills
  • 65% of young people at risk have improved their maths skills

We recognise that – in line with national trends – it will take a while longer for many children to get fully back on track after the negative effects of the pandemic. We will continue to work closely with schools, local services and families to support children across our communities to this end.

Creating a social, emotional and academic SEA change

We measure three main outcomes: social, emotional and academic. That’s how well young people are getting on with their peers and the adults around them, their levels of emotional wellbeing and confidence and their maths and English results.

Outcomes framework

These results show their improvement against the AllChild (formerly West London Zone) outcomes framework.

For more information about how we use data and feedback to refine our programme and increase our impact see p.43-44 in our 2016-20 Impact Report.

together, every child and young person can flourish.
