Number Champions: Unlocking Opportunities

At Number Champions we believe that every child deserves a quality education, and numeracy is just as crucial as literacy in unlocking future opportunities. Unfortunately, many children, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, struggle with maths. That’s where we step in. We’re a charity partnering with over 30 schools in London to support children with maths skills.

How do you work with AllChild?

We are delighted to have been able to work in schools with AllChild. We received fantastic feedback from Link Workers citing improvements not only in maths skills but also in areas just as important – enjoyment, confidence, engagement in class with children overall feeling less anxious about maths.

“The positivity and the enthusiasm was so lovely to see! Maya* was motivated and wanted to succeed”

AllChild Link Worker

By using creative games and activities to make learning fun and engaging our in-school volunteers help children to feel better about maths. This builds their confidence and helps them succeed not only in maths but in their overall education. 

Our volunteers find ways to engage children with maths by getting to know the children well and observing gaps in knowledge. Our facilitators are volunteers who receive induction training in early-years maths, safeguarding, and how to creatively engage children, supported by current and former teachers acting as mentors.

What is so important about your work?

We aim to make a real difference in children’s futures. The impact we have on children is hugely important to use. More than 1,200 children have already benefited from our support since Number Champions was set up in 2018, gaining key maths skills and boosting their self-esteem.

Our high-level data tells an overwhelmingly positive story, and reading through each response and getting a picture of a child’s journey with maths has been genuinely heart-warming. The relationship our volunteers have with the children is central to this and there were so many wonderful comments from teachers on the amazing work our dedicated volunteers do.

Plans for the future

This year we will be supporting around 250 children. We are always looking for more volunteers to work across our partner schools and to expand our reach into more London schools. Our strategy is to grow organically year by year to support more children at risk. We would also love organisations across the country to copycat our successful model and to deliver it in schools, thus reaching many more children than a single charity could ever achieve alone. We welcome communications from interested organisations and we will be pleased to share our experience and to allow use of our materials.

*Name changed.

together, every child and young person can flourish.
