How we work with schools to identify young people for the WLZ programme

In September, we had more children and young people joining the programme than ever before, and as we grow our identification process becomes more and more important.

What is the process?

We collect social, emotional and academic data for whole year groups in each school we work with and analyse this data to identify young people who would benefit most from the programme based on the areas they need support in.

We then discuss the data and insights from our analysis with key school staff. By working closely with students and their families, schools are able to provide key contextual information that we cannot gain from the data alone so collaboration with schools is essential to help us identify the children and young people who will benefit the most from our programme. Often the children and young people who participate in WLZ’s programme are not being engaged by any other organisation because their needs are not considered great enough in one particular area, but combined they need support. As a result of our evidence-led and collaborative process, we are able to provide a two-year personalised programme of support for every child, joining up the right support and opportunities at the right time.

Young people joining the programme in 2021

This academic year, identification has been successful with Link Workers now supporting:

  • 992 new children and young people
  • In 34 different school settings (we work in 45 different settings in total)

Our data from our baseline profile analysis shows that of the primary, secondary and sixth form students that joined the programme this academic year:

  • 66% need support with their English/Reading
  • 71% need support with their Maths
  • 83% need support with their social/emotional wellbeing*
  • 75% need support with their confidence**

This information is used by Link Workers to design each young person’s WLZ programme in collaboration with them so we can provide personalised 1:1 and specialist support. It also enables us to monitor each young person’s progress over the 2-year programme so we can continually adapt their individual support to ensure we are engaging them in the right support as they progress.

We are now working with more children and young people than ever before and identifying those unmet support needs is key to informing programme design and ensuring the support we provide matches the needs of the children and young people on the programme.

Adam Scott, Impact Officer

*Based on proportion of children and young people at risk in validated Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and subscales, or indicated by teacher judgement.
**Based on the KINDL self-esteem subscale for primary school age children and the General Self-Efficacy Scale for secondary school and sixth form students. Both are validated measures of confidence.

together, every child and young person can flourish.
